Does your mind race, and you have lots of mental chatter continuously distracting you?

Do you struggle to find a routine or rhythm in your life?

When you’re constantly overthinking things, your mind races, thinking not only about what needs to be done, but about every possible outcome. Every potential mistake. This constant mental ‘chatter’ drains your energy and leaves you feeling stuck.

Believe it or not, it’s been proven that having a structured plan, or a routine to your day makes a big difference in reducing the mental chatter.

mental chatter

Imagine not having that chatter all the time? Imagine feeling organised and calm? Peace.

If the idea of making a to-do list feels manageable, start there. Write down a few tasks, and as you complete each one, tick it off. There’s a certain satisfaction that comes with crossing off completed tasks. You can also take it a step further by creating a daily calendar that includes your routine: waking up, eating meals, getting dressed, going for a walk, listening to a podcast—whatever self-care activities you need.

Here are some simple steps to get started:

  1. Start Small: Don’t try to overhaul your entire day at once. Begin by adding just one or two activities to your routine. Once those feel comfortable, you can gradually add more.
  2. Be Consistent: The key to a successful routine is consistency. Try to stick to your schedule, even on days when it feels difficult.
  3. Prioritise Self-Care: Make sure your routine includes self-care activities that help you relax and recharge. Whether it’s reading, taking a bath, or spending time with a pet, these moments are crucial for your mental health.
  4. Adjust as Needed: Your routine doesn’t have to be set in stone. If something isn’t working, adjust it. The goal is to create a structure that supports your well-being, not to add more stress.

Living with a mind that doesn’t stop racing, can cause anxiety and mood shifts. It can be challenging, but introducing routine and structure into your life can help alleviate some of that burden. By breaking down your day life into manageable tasks, you give yourself a sense of control and purpose. If you’re struggling to create a routine, don’t hesitate to reach out for support—sometimes, clearing the mental clutter with the help of a psychologist is the first step toward building a more structured and peaceful life.

Anxiety & Depression Support is Here

At Creating Change Psychology, we recognise the profound impact that anxiety and depression can have on your life. Our team of compassionate therapists is dedicated to providing support that is tailored to your specific needs. We understand that every individual’s experience with anxiety and depression is unique, and we have extensive experience helping people like you manage symptoms, emotions, and the underlying causes of distress that consume your mind.

Written by Rebecca Deane – Clinical Psychologist –
Psychology support in the Hills District, Western Sydney & Surrounds (including Rouse Hill, Bella Vista, Glenwood, Castle Hill, Kellyville, The Hawkesbury, Penrith Nepean, Blacktown, Epping, Ryde, Pennant Hills areas and surrounds)