Meet Our Team

Find Your Best Fit

Clinician and Client Creating Change Office Edited

Meet our team of mental health expert psychologists. Explore their professional history, qualifications, and areas of interest that may be suitable for you and your needs. We offer flexibility so you can choose the right fit for you.

Changing Lives

As founder and Principal Clinical Psychologist at Creating Change, it is apparent to me that our vibrant Hills District community is comprised of people with a passion for life.

People just like you, determined to reach great heights in the things that matter most. Perhaps it’s wanting a better connection with family, fulfilling your dream for a business or as an entrepreneur or simply sharing a win with team mates. Big or modest, your goals are achievable. It is my dream to provide the support and resources both you and the community need to thrive.

Rebecca Deane
Founder & Principal Clinical Psychologist


Real People’s Lives We Have Changed

Greg was dissatisfied in his job, felt hopeless, helpless and unmotivated. Sitting alone each night he couldn’t see a way out so turned to a few drinks. After 10 therapy sessions he was hopeful, renovating his home, travelling interstate to visit family, reconnecting with old friends and exercising. He still enjoys a social drink on the weekend.

Olivia (16yrs) was anxious about school. She had no contact with peers, refused to attend at all, and was oppositional and demanding at home. After 16 therapy sessions she was attending school four days a week, taking personal ownership of her learning and being respectful towards her parents – most of the time!

Mia (9yrs) feared accidents while using transport – planes, cars, buses – following exposure to a couple of extreme crashes. She had tummy pains, headaches and meltdowns when expected to travel or when unexpected situations occurred. This distressed her whole family. After 30 therapy sessions she was ableto use all forms of transport despite occasional waves of low-level anxiety.

Karen experienced notable childhood trauma resulting in meltdowns, difficulties maintaining stable friendships and, at times, extreme behaviours such as self-harming. After 70 therapy sessions she had completed a master’s degree, was working as a teacher and involved in an intimate relationship.

creating change reception

What You Can Expect in Your First Session

If you’ve made the decision to see one of our psychologists here at Creating Change, you may be left wondering what to expect. What will happen, how will the therapy session unfold?

These are the questions many people who haven’t been to a therapy session often wonder, and it’s okay if you’re feeling a little apprehensive. Take a read of what you can expect in your first session, to answer your questions and ease your worries.

Your Approach Options

Creating Change Psychology & Counselling provides therapeutic interventions for children, adolescents, adults, couples and families using a skill based, supportive and non-judgmental approach. We will explore strategies to better manage symptoms and address barriers towards your progress.

At Creating Change we all share a passion for helping individuals and families to build healthy and meaningful futures.

All therapeutic interventions are conducted in accordance with the Australian Psychological Society Code of Ethics and Charter for Clients.

Our therapists are specifically trained in a range of methods, which have been shown through research to combat symptoms of mental health. At Creating Change we use a few main therapeutic techniques indicated below, tailoring them to your needs.

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Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
CBT is a short term (approximately 6-12 sessions), evidence-based approach focused on recognising unhelpful thinking and behavioural patterns and providing patients with active coping skills to adapt these.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
ACT is an experiential style of therapy meaning we learn through the process of using the techniques. ACT aims to increase your flexibility to enable you to overcome challenges in your life. It suggests a rich and meaningful life can be achieved by living in the present, letting go of thoughts, accepting our emotions and acting in accordance with our values.
Schema Therapy
Schema therapy is an approach aimed at identifying and adjusting lifelong patterns of thinking and behaviour that are creating excessive distress. This style of therapy is longer term due to the complexity and ingrained nature of these patterns.
Couple and Family Therapy
Counsellors are trained in strategies to equip couples and families with an understanding of the relationships in which they exist and how those interactions impact on each other. Counselling focuses on how different parts of the system can be changed, where to place boundaries and how to unite people through effective communication skills.
Mindfulness is a method of attention control, which has been proven to maintain the benefits of treatment of depression amongst other things. It aims to create an observing experience of the present moment viewing it from a non-judgemental perspective.
Neuropsychotherapy aims to understand the brains biological functioning to direct therapeutic processes. Understanding that our brain can change as seen in scans and what enables this change directs our therapists both in their relationships with you and in treatment.
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)
DBT is a skill based treatment, which aims to assist people to tolerate distress, regulate their own emotional experiences and improve relationship skills. Often people experience difficulties in these areas if they have missed learning the skills in childhood. This treatment can be particularly helpful for individuals who self-harm, have chaotic relationships or self sabotage.
clinical supervision for your team of psychologists


Seeking supervision for your psychology practice or mental health team?

If you’re a dedicated psychology or mental health practice owner looking to provide top-notch support for your team’s professional development, then look, no further than Creating Change.

With over two decades of experience in the field, our seasoned supervisors offer tailored guidance and mentorship designed to complement, not overshadow, your practice ethos.

Your Feedback is Important to Us

Creating Change often receives wonderful positive feedback, success stories and glowing reports. We believe customer care is our #1 priority. We are here to work with you – our clients – and change your life.

We welcome your feedback to know we’re assisting you to make the change and build that meaningful future you’ve always wanted for you or your family.