Are you trying to adjust to your new home life?
Is your work, home and family life all blended into one now you’re in isolation?
Managing a new way of life is a huge change that everyone is trying to adjust to at the moment. If you are finding yourself in isolation, working from home or home schooling your children, you may find yourself out of routine, not sure what part of your life you’re meant to me managing, and maybe just feeling stuck.
Whether it’s work, family, or you’re at home in isolation feeling bored – it’s not the life you’re used to. It’s okay to feel unsure, worried, a bit anxious or just over it. Losing your freedom to go to the gym, go out for a coffee with a friend, have any sort of social catch up, or simply take your kids to a sports game or to the movies, can really take it’s toll on your quality of life, and mental wellness. Feelings of worry, frustration, stress or uncertainty are part of the process we are all going through.

It’s a massive change and adjustment.
Social distancing has changed the world as we know it, and there are many things that are out of our control. We do, however have the ability to make our daily life more enjoyable as we ride out the Coronavirus.
Ideas and strategies to bring enjoyment and structure to your isolation days –
- Remind yourself why you’re doing this – Stick up some simple reminders on the fridge, to remind yourself why you’re doing what you’re doing. It is to help your own health, your family’s health, and to others globally. It will eventually pay off, even if it’s frustrating in the moment.
- If you’re working from home, set up a dedicated workstation and create a routine –Working from home can often blend family life and work together, resulting in a loss of routine you’re previously used to. By building a routine, including your hours of work at a specific workstation and separating your “home time”, you can keep those boundaries clear. You’ll find yourself working more effectively and enjoy some quality rest time.
- Take advantage of today’s technology – Start a group video conference with some friends so you can still see each other and catch up. Better yet, play some online board games and have a laugh while everyone is practicing social distancing. It’s the new norm!
- Start a hobby – Ever wanted to learn something new? Most tutorials are only a Google search away and materials can most likely be purchased online. Why not give something new a try? Step outside the box.
- Do some exercises – Numerous videos are popping up on social media about exercising at home with minimum equipment required. Set aside a time each day to get active – even if it’s just for 20-30 minutes. It will help you clear your mind, and give you more energy to focus on the important things.
Written By Gary Wong – Psychologist –
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