Feeling Low or Down Some Days is Normal.
But how do you pull yourself out of feeling this way?
If you’re feeling unmotivated, lacking energy, or maybe you’ve been faced with some tough situations lately and just can’t seem to shake the way it feels, or you’ve got fluctuating moods, it’s not unusual during tough times to feel this way. In fact, feeling sad or down is a normal reaction to difficult situations, sometimes it can feel like a rollercoaster. Low mood is likely to leave you feeling unmotivated and low on energy – making it hard to feel like theres light at the end of the tunnel.

We can also feel down and not know why – there’s no obvious reason coming to mind. Either way, there are steps you can try yourself at home to help increase your mood and help you feel lighter to get on with your day.
Even though you may not be feeling the best right now in this moment, by taking these small steps you’ll be able to to gradually build yourself up again and improve how you feel. Ensuring you have self-care plan and are looking after yourself can help during tough times, as well as help to maintain a healthy emotional wellbeing.
Here are 7 Actions to Increase your Low Mood at Home:
1. Spend time with friends, family, or people who make you feel good
Talk to someone you trust about how you’re feeling. This can be an instant mood booster as it increases socialisation, reduces loneliness, and will often help puts things into perspective. Your friend or family member might have some great advice to offer to relieve some of the tension. Alternatively you can reach out to have a chat with a psychologist.
2. Reduce stress
Now this may sound like a big task. So let’s break it down into smaller steps. Look at your day ahead. Is there anything non-urgent you leave for another day to give you some space to breathe in your day. Simply slowing down the pace of everyday life can alleviate stressors and give you the headspace you need to shift your low mood.
Moving your body can make big changes mentally. Step outside for a 10-minute walk, try some slow stretching, or do some yoga in the living room. Whichever form of exercise you prefer, doing some form of light physical activity puts fuel back in your tank. it elevates your mood by pumping more blood to the brain releasing endorphins and serotonin. This makes you feel good and gives you clarity to think.
4. Listen to music
Grab those earphones listen to your favourite music! Dance or sing along – even if you have two left feet or can’t hold a tune. It’s sure to make you smile and lift your mood.
5. Practise Mindfulness
Sit down in a quiet spot and focus on your breathing. Try to find a rhythm. Thoughts will come in and out of your brain, and that’s okay – let them pass by. Notice them, them return to focusing on your breath. Try this for only a few minutes and you’ll feel lighter, and notice your mind becomes clearer, gradually lifting your low mood.
6. Get Out & About
You might choose to head up to the shops, head to the beach or local park, or sit and soak in the sunshine with a good book. When we are feeling low, we are more inclined to stay at home or inside. However, spending too much time inside can actually further affect your mood, so try getting out in the sunshine and getting some Vitamin D in the process!
7. Sleep can make all the difference
If you have the opportunity, have a power nap. Even if it’s just for 15-20 minutes. Resting our brain from life’s challenges and worries (or our constant to-do list) can make a world of difference.
The Flow on Affects of Your Mood
When your mood is low, your thinking and judgment can often feel blurred as your emotions are often heightened. During this time, don’t make any big decisions. Wait until your mood lifts by our 7 at home tips first. You’ll then have ore clarity to make those important decisions. Have patience and show self-care, and ultimately be kind to yourself. Shifting these things can take time and a little persistence when it’s new.
Not sure if your low mood is becoming of concern? TAKE OUR CHECKLIST
Wondering if your low mood has become Depression? TAKE OUR CHECKLIST
Is your moods affecting your relationships? TAKE A READ HOW TO CHANGE THIS
If your moods aren’t becoming less like a rollercoaster, and you feel like you’ve tried so many options, please out and make an appointment to speak with one of our therapists – a conversation can make a huge difference in your life. It doesn’t have to feel hard.