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Are you going through a period of grief, maybe lost someone close to you? Are you struggling with managing your emotions and coping day to day? Sandra was devastated hearing the […]
Do you experience high levels of pain? Has it been persisting for months or maybe years?Do you feel like just stopping, with the pain crippling you daily? Chronic Pain can […]
Do you have a teenager at home going through the HSC or senior exams this year? Or maybe a young adult studying at College? Teenagers of today are under so […]
Is your teenager video gaming & playing online non-stop since being in isolation? Do you wish they would go outside, ride their bike, play a game or use their imagination? […]
We had the pleasure of talking with local expert Naturopath Simone Davis, about how stress affects your body, and in particular, your gut health. For more info or to talk […]
As we spend a lot of time at home with the affects of COVID, have you had a think about what’s important to you? Are you staying energised & motivated? […]
Are you constantly answering your child’s questions about Coronavirus, and why they can’t see their friends anymore? Why their birthday party has been cancelled. Do you find it hard to […]
Our Director & Clinical Psychologist Rebecca Deane had the priveledge of being interviewed by Karen from Yoga Bare Hawkesbury, talking about the changes and challenges many are facing with the […]
Are you feeling defeated? Not losing the weight you after trying so hard?Do you know that your eating habits are unhealthy, and feel you’re resorting to more drastic measures to […]
We are all living with uncertainty at the moment. It’s how you acknowledge, accept and manage this uncertainty that makes all the difference to your future.
Are you trying to adjust to your new home life?Is your work, home and family life all blended into one now you’re in isolation? Managing a new way of life […]
It is common to feel nervous before seeing a psychologist, especially if it is your first time. Spending some time thinking about your situation before you attend therapy, and jotting […]
Our experience facing the horrific bush fires…Two days before Christmas, my husband and I, and our two little boys waited nervously, car packed and valuables chosen, for the order to […]
Have you been affected from watching the devastation of the bushfires on the news, and feel sad or anxious, and fear for your safety?Have you or your home been directly […]
Is your child feeling stressed or anxious about returning to school?Are you unsure how to get the kids back to normal after the holidays? Why is my child anxious? Returning […]
Is your relationship a constant battle of love vs. fighting?Are you finding it impossible to solve problems together, and have lost your way as a couple? Your relationship is tired, […]
Are you separating or divorcing from your partner? Are you unsure how to manage the change and impact on your children? Separating or a divorce is a huge life change, […]
Do you find that you experience financial stress at this time of year, every year? Whilst Christmas season is generally a time for celebration and enjoyment, it can unfortunately also […]
Do you want your child to attend a mainstream school, regardless of their disability?Are you concerned that they won’t get the support and guidance they need? You hear opinions from […]